Ostrzeżenia, Kivikkosaari


26.06 11:00 AM 11:00 – 26.06 9:00 PM 21:00

Yellow heavy rain warning: Locally in the northern part of the country, Wed 14.00 - Thu 0.00 Heavy rain warning: From the afternoon on heavy rain of more than 20 mm per hour can be expected. Areas: Kainuu, Kemijärvi, Kuusamo, Posio, Pudasjärvi, Ranua, Salla, Taivalkoski

FMI Open Data


26.06 11:00 AM 11:00 – 26.06 9:00 PM 21:00

Yellow severe thunderstorm warning: Locally in the northern part of the country, Wed 14.00 - Thu 0.00 Severe thunderstorm warning: From the afternoon on severe thunderstorms can produce strong wind gusts, over 15 m/s. Areas: Kainuu, Kemijärvi, Kuusamo, Posio, Pudasjärvi, Ranua, Salla, Taivalkoski

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