Abaiang Village
Aeon Airfield
Aeon Point
Alert Point
Aontena Gilberts Village
Arabata Village
Aramari Gilberts Village
Artemia Corner
Arundel Islet
Atollwide Copra Production
AUA Point
Auvergne Sand Hills
Banana Village
Barge Pier and Landing
Benson Point
Betania Village
Bicknell Point
Bird Islet
Blasted Boat Landing
Blasted Boat Landing
Blasted Boat Landing
Blasted Reef Pass
Boat Entrance
Boudeuse Ridge
Bridges Point Light
Brothers Islet
Cable and Wireless Pier
Cape Manning
Caroline Island
Cartwright Point
Cassidy International Airport
Cecile Peninsula
Chapman Seamount
Clarke Seamount
Cook Island
Copra Collecting Facility
Gagarin Seamount
GB Army St-Stanislas Rest Camp
GB H-Bomb air-burst Tests Ground Zero
GB H-Bomb Test Instrumentation Site
GB H-Bombs balloon-burst Tests Ground Zero
GB H-Bombs Grapple1 over Malden
GB Pacific Submarine Cable Relay Station
GB-Army Airstrip
General Shrub Cover
Government Station
Grieg Point
Guano Digging Area
Guano Digging Area
Guano Digging Area
Guano Digging Areas
Lagoonwide Seaweed Cultivation Areas
Landing Beach
Line Islands
Line Islands Seamount Chain
London Tank Farm
London Village
Long Island
Main Camp GB H-Bomb Tests
Mainly Coconut Covered
Mainly Copra Production
Makeitari Village
Malden Island
Malden Island Wildlife Sanctuary
Matanibike Village
Merlin Seamount
Metaua Point
Motu Ana-Ana
Motu Mannikiba
Motu Tabu
Motu Tuba
Motu Upou
Nake Island
Napari Village
Napia Village
NoName Seamount 1
NoName Seamount 2
NoName Seamount 2
NoName Seamount 3
NoName Seamount 4
North Cape
North East Point
North mainly Copra Plantation
North West Point
NZ then US Garrison WW2
Pig Islet
Pisonia Tree Cover
Pisonis and Heliotrope Cover
Planted Coconut Palms
Poland Village
Prehistoric Marae by Polynesians
Prehistoric Polynesian Marae
Prehistoric Polynesian Settlement
Schlanger Seamount
SE Shrub Cover
SeaLaunch Satellite Launching Spot
Seaweed Cultivation Area
Shrub Cover
South East Point
South Island
South West Point
Starbuck Island
Starbuck Island Wildlife Sanctuary
Staten Island Seamount
Sunken Tug