Ostrzeżenia, Kibura

Zagrożenie pożarem

1.06 1:15 AM 01:15 – 2.06 1:13 AM 01:13

Jun 1 the maximum air temperature rises to 27°C. Extremely high fire hazard in the forests. Jun 1 thundershowers in many places that can produce locally hail and wind gusts over 15 m/s.

Estonia weather Service


1.06 1:15 AM 01:15 – 2.06 1:13 AM 01:13

Jun 1 the maximum air temperature rises to 27°C. Extremely high fire hazard in the forests. Jun 1 thundershowers in many places that can produce locally hail and wind gusts over 15 m/s.

Estonia weather Service

Wysoka temperatura

1.06 1:15 AM 01:15 – 2.06 1:13 AM 01:13

Jun 1 the maximum air temperature rises to 27°C. Extremely high fire hazard in the forests. Jun 1 thundershowers in many places that can produce locally hail and wind gusts over 15 m/s.

Estonia weather Service

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