Ostrzeżenia, En Naqâaï

Wysoka temperatura

3.06 9:00 AM 09:00 – 3.06 2:00 PM 14:00

update: Severe Early Warning of HEAVY HEAT STRESS in North Mountains, in Carmel, in Centeral and South Coast, in Judean Foothills, in Center Mountains, in Northern Samaria, in Northern Negev and in Negev Mountain on 03/06 from 12 until 17 LT.


Wysoka temperatura

3.06 8:00 AM 08:00 – 3.06 2:00 PM 14:00

update: Warning of HEAVY HEAT STRESS in Northern Golan, in Upper Galilee, in Carmel, in North Coast, in Centeral and South Coast, in Judean Foothills, in Center Mountains, in Northern Samaria, in Northern Negev and in Negev Mountain on 03/06 from 11 until 17 LT.


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