31.10 4:00 PM 16:00 – 2.11 5:59 PM 17:59
On the day of October 31, westerly wind gusts 15-18 m/s. On November 1st south-west, west, during the day it will change direction to north-west, 18-23 m/s. On November 2nd north-west wind gusts 15-20 m/s. Remove items from balconies and yards that can be blown away by the wind, or secure them well. If you must go outside, dress appropriately. Do not park cars near trees.
LHMTNastępne 24 godziny
Dzisiejsza pogoda na świecie
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Miejsce najcieplejsze i najzimniejsze
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+31° 88°
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+27.4° 81°
Mount Isa, Αυστραλία
+27° 81°
Caburan, Φιλιππίνες
+22.5° 73°
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-6.7° 20°
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-10.6° 13°
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-14.8° 5°
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-15.9° 3°
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-37.1° -35°