Ostrzeżenia, Balutmaito


6.06 9:33 PM 21:33 – 7.06 9:33 AM 09:33

General Flood Advisory Under present weather conditions, Southwest Monsoon affecting the western sections of Luzon and Visayas. The 12-hour rainfall forecast is light to moderate rains or thunderstorms. WATERCOURSES LIKELY TO BE AFFECTED : + **Lanao Del Sur** - Rivers and its tributaries particularly Dapao and Matling. + **Maguindanao** - Rivers and its tributaries particularly Nituan, Mindanao, Dalican, Allah, Buluan, Matuber, Mlang and Lower Mlang. + **Basilan** - Rivers and its tributaries particularly Gubauan and Kumalarang. + **Sulu** - All rivers and its tributaries + **Tawi-tawi** - All rivers and its tributaries People living near the mountain slopes and in the low lying areas of the above mentioned river systems and the **Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils** concerned advised to take necessary precautionary measures.



7.06 9:04 AM 09:04 – 7.06 9:04 PM 21:04

General Flood Advisory Under present weather conditions, Southwest Monsoon affecting the western sections of Luzon and Visayas. The 12-hour rainfall forecast is light to occasionally moderate rains or thunderstorms. WATERCOURSES STILL LIKELY TO BE AFFECTED : + **Lanao Del Sur** - Rivers and its tributaries particularly Dapao and Matling. + **Maguindanao** - Rivers and its tributaries particularly Nituan, Mindanao, Dalican, Allah, Buluan, Matuber, Mlang and Lower Mlang. + **Basilan** - Rivers and its tributaries particularly Gubauan and Kumalarang. + **Sulu** - All rivers and its tributaries + **Tawi-tawi** - All rivers and its tributaries People living near the mountain slopes and in the low lying areas of the above mentioned river systems and the **Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils** concerned still advised to take necessary precautionary measures.


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