Ostrzeżenia, Lattut


9.06 9:39 AM 09:39 – 9.06 9:39 PM 21:39

General Flood Advisory (Final) Under present weather conditions, Southwest Monsoon affecting the western section of Luzon. The 12-hour rainfall forecast is isolated rainshowers or thunderstorms. WATERCOURSES NO LONGER TO BE AFFECTED : + **Ifugao** - All rivers and its tributaries + **Kalinga** - All rivers and its tributaries + **Abra** - Rivers and its tributaries particularly Upper Abra, Tineg and Ikmin. + **Benguet** - Rivers and its tributaries particularly Upper Bauang. + **Apayao** - Rivers and its tributaries particularly Upper Abulug and Upper Pamplona. + **Mountain Province** - All rivers and its tributaries With this development and unless significant rain occurs, this is the final general flood advisory for this event.


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