Ostrzeżenia, Stora Ramsö


8.06 9:00 PM 21:00 – 10.06 6:00 PM 18:00

Late Saturday evening southwest-south 14-17 m/s.; What to expect: Problem for leisure boats and small commercial vessels.; Where: Northern Baltic



9.06 9:00 PM 21:00 – 10.06 9:00 PM 21:00

Yellow wind warning for sea area: Locally on all sea areas, Mon 0.00 - Tue 0.00 Wind warning for sea areas: Southwest near gale 15 m/s from the midnight on.

FMI Open Data

Wysokie fale

9.06 9:00 PM 21:00 – 10.06 9:00 PM 21:00

Yellow wave height warning: Locally on all sea areas, Mon 0.00 - Tue 0.00 Wave height warning: Rough waves occur from the midnight on. Significant wave height exceeds 2.5 meters.

FMI Open Data

Wysokie fale

9.06 9:00 AM 09:00 – 9.06 9:00 PM 21:00

Yellow wave height warning: Northern Baltic and Sea of Bothnia, Sun 12.00 - Mon 0.00 Wave height warning: Rough waves occur from noon on. Significant wave height exceeds 2.5 meters.

FMI Open Data

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