Ostrzeżenia, Adrian


1.05 0:59 PM 12:59 – 4.05 9:07 AM 09:07

Flood Warning issued May 1 at 6:59AM MDT until May 4 at 3:07AM MDT by NWS Boise ID ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Oregon... Owyhee River Below Owyhee Dam affecting Malheur County. .High mountain snow melt and increased reservoir releases will cause the river flows to remain high. Expect minor flooding downstream from the dam. For the Owyhee River...including Owyhee Dam, Owyhee Dam...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Owyhee River below Owyhee Dam. * WHEN...Until early Saturday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 6:30 AM MDT Wednesday /5:30 AM PDT Wednesday/ the flow was 3,666 cfs. - Bankfull stage is 1,000 cfs. - Recent Activity...The maximum river flow in the 24 hours ending at 6:30 AM MDT Wednesday /5:30 AM PDT Wednesday/ was 3,702 cfs. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage late Friday evening and continue falling to 2,000 cfs Friday, May 10. - Flood flow is 3,000 cfs. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 3,560 cfs on 04/20/1999. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood Motorists should not attempt to drive around barricades or drive cars through flooded areas. Additional information is available at www.weather.gov. The next statement will be issued Thursday afternoon at 100 PM MDT /noon PDT/.

National Weather Service

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