Ostrzeżenia, Beaudry


16.06 8:13 AM 08:13 – 16.06 11:12 AM 11:12

severe thunderstorm warning in effect At 3:13 a.m. CDT, Environment Canada meteorologists are tracking a line of severe thunderstorms capable of producing very strong wind gusts, up to nickel size hail and heavy rain. This line of severe thunderstorms is located near the southern basin of Lake Manitoba and stretches southward to the international border, moving east at 50 km/h. Hazard: 110 km/h wind gusts and nickel size hail. ### Heavy downpours can cause flash floods and water pooling on roads. Large hail can damage property and cause injury. Strong wind gusts can toss loose objects, damage weak buildings, break branches off trees and overturn large vehicles. Remember, severe thunderstorms can produce tornadoes. Severe thunderstorm warnings are issued when imminent or occurring thunderstorms are likely to produce or are producing one or more of the following: large hail, damaging winds, torrential rainfall. Lightning kills and injures Canadians every year. Remember, when thunder roars, go indoors!

Environment Canada

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