Ostrzeżenia, Goodeve


12.06 4:54 PM 16:54 – 13.06 4:10 AM 04:10

severe thunderstorm watch in effect Conditions are favourable for the development of severe thunderstorms that may be capable of producing strong wind gusts and large hail. Thunderstorms have developed over portions of southern Saskatchewan, and are expected to continue through to this evening. The main threats associated with these thunderstorms are large hail, however, an isolated tornado cannot be ruled out. ### Large hail can damage property and cause injury. Strong wind gusts can toss loose objects, damage weak buildings, break branches off trees and overturn large vehicles. Remember, severe thunderstorms can produce tornadoes. Severe thunderstorm watches are issued when atmospheric conditions are favourable for the development of thunderstorms that could produce one or more of the following: large hail, damaging winds, torrential rainfall. Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to [email protected] or tweet reports using #SKStorm. Be prepared for severe weather. Take cover immediately, if threatening weather approaches. Lightning kills and injures Canadians every year. Remember, when thunder roars, go indoors!

Environment Canada

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