Ostrzeżenia, Masjid ar Raḩmah

Wysoka temperatura

21.06 8:00 AM 08:00 – 21.06 6:00 PM 18:00

Severe Early Warning of HEAVY HEAT STRESS in Southern Golan, in North Valleys, in Jordan Valley, in Judea Desert Dead Sea, in Eastern Negev and in Arava on 21/06 from 11 until 21 LT.


Wysoka temperatura

20.06 7:00 AM 07:00 – 20.06 7:00 PM 19:00

update: Severe Warning of HEAVY HEAT STRESS in Southern Golan, in Lower Galilee, in North Valleys, in Jordan Valley, in Judea Desert Dead Sea, in Eastern Negev and in Arava on 20/06 from 10 until 22 LT.


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