Ostrzeżenia, Dlhý Vrch


21.06 6:00 PM 18:00 – 22.06 4:00 AM 04:00

We expect hailstorms in district Nové Zámky, that represent potential risk for human activities. They can be associated with short term rainstorms that can reach 20 - 30 mm, gusts of 18 - 23 m/s (65 - 85 km/h) and hail. BE AWARE that thunderstorms may occur. Take extra care in exposed areas, like mountains, forest and open terrain. Disruption to outdoor activities is possible.


Wysoka temperatura

21.06 11:00 AM 11:00 – 21.06 5:00 PM 17:00

We expect high temperature 33 - 34 °C in district Nové Zámky, that represents potential risk for human health during outdoor activities, particularly for children and elderly people. BE AWARE that high temperatures are expected. Some health risks amongst vulnerable people e.g. the elderly and very young are possible.


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