Ostrzeżenia, Price School

Zdarzenie w pasie nadbrzeżnym

6.06 4:00 AM 04:00 – 7.06 8:00 PM 20:00

Beach Hazards Statement issued June 5 at 10:59PM EDT until June 7 at 4:00PM EDT by NWS Grand Rapids MI * WHAT...High wave action, strong currents, and dangerous swimming conditions expected. Piers may be heavily swamped by waves. * WHERE...Mason, Oceana, Muskegon, Ottawa, Allegan and Van Buren counties. * WHEN...Through Friday afternoon. * IMPACTS...Strong currents can pull swimmers into deeper water and high waves can sweep people off piers. Remain out of the water to avoid hazardous swimming conditions and do not venture out on piers. Please check with your local authorities on potential beach closures.

National Weather Service

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